The medical field keeps telling me to give them a urine sample for a dipstick urinalysis due to pelvic pain. Whether it is for cysitis, bladder, or gynecological. I state an objection to the the test due to the fact that the urine hasn't been in my bladder for more than 30 minutes. The medical staff informs me of how stupid I am. They have a job in the medical field.
I found in the CMDT 2007 that the sample for the test is inadequate. The ER nurse generally scratches their head when I inform them that the urine needs to be in the bladder for more than 4 hours.
They do not ask in the lab the variables of the person who the sample is taken from. Not to mention the nursing staff doesn't think it matters.
So, they take urine that hasn't been in my bladder for more than 30 minutes to an hour. Then charge me for a urinaylsis,microscopic and a culture. Both giving false readings due to the lack of diligence upon the part of the staff to see to it that the correct sample is taken. Like a 24 hour sample.
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8 years ago