Saturday, October 9, 2010


Let us define mental health as the adjustment of human beings to the world and to each other with a maximim of effectiveness and happiness. Not just efficiency, or just contentment-or the grace of obeying the rules of the game cheerfully. It is all of these together. It is the ability to maintaian an even temper, an alert intelligence, socially considerate behaviour, and a happy disposition. This, I think, is a healthy mind.

Karl A. Menninger "The Human Mind" 1937

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Books I Recommend for Everyone

Yet, mostly doctors to read...

How Your Immune System Works by Dr. Jeff Baggish

ISBN : ISBN-13: 9781562762339

And especially the Homepathic field

Monday, January 18, 2010


It seems as though the medical field is not as educated as they were in the past. Considering I have dealt with the medical field as an adult since 1984 their understanding of things has changed in my opinion.

There are several reasons for this difference in their training. There are more "get an easy degree" and sometimes promises of a job in the commericals for educational institutions.

My big disagreement comes with the words "PAIN" and "CHRONIC".

"PAIN" means that there is something wrong. If a reason can not be found then the medical field has wrote many things to explain it away. Most of which is an excuse not to find a cause for the effect. Pain can mean there is an underlying condition that has not surfaced yet and the immune system is sending inflammatory cells to the site to prevent or stop what the immune system sees as a threat. Even if the medical field can not find it.

"Chronic" means a long lasting debilitating condition of a disease. In other words, the debilitation becomes worse over time along with the pain. Such as with cancer. Though, the MSM seems to have eveyone convinced that cancer is a two year disease from their lacking coverage of people who have cancer.

One other condition is "Obesity". The immune system can be building fat cells to hold whatever it thinks it needs for a condition that is underlying while waiting to see whether or not it surfaces. In addition, when going through early stages of menopause a woman's body tends to put fatty cells with estrogen in them around the hips and thighs to protect against falls after menopause and the bone density is no long able to sustain the woman.

Any questions? or is it just to simple and not able to bill to a ICD code?

Monday, December 7, 2009

*New Element Discovered*

The heaviest element known to science was recently discovered by physicists at Yale's Research Center. The element, tentatively named administratium, has no protons or electrons and thus has an atomic number of 0. However, it does have one neutron, 125 assistant neutrons, 75 vice-neutrons and 11 assistant vice-neurotns. This gives it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together in a nucleus by a force that involves the continous exchange of meson-like particles called morons.

Since it has no electrons, administratium is inert. However, it can be detected chemically as it impedes every reaction it comes in contact with. According to the discoverers, a minute amount of administratium caused a reaction which takes over four days to complete, when it would normaly occur in less than one second.

Adimistratium has a normal life of approximately three years, at which time it does not actually decay but, instead, undergoes a reorganization in which assistant neutrons, vice-neurtons and assistant vice-neutrons exchange places. Some studies have shown that the atomic weight usually increases after each reorganization.

Research at other laboratories indictes that administratium occurs naturally in the atmosphere. It tends to concentrate at certain points such as government agencies, large corporations, universities and hospitals and can actually be found in the newest, best maintaned buildings.

Scientists point out that administratium is known to be toxic at any level of concentration and can easily destroy any productive reactions where it is allowed to accumulate. Attempts are being made to determine how administratium can be controlled to prevent irreversible damage, but results to date are not promising.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Stem Cell Research

I believe that embroyonic stem cell research is not needed. If it was really an answer there would not be any disease thus, mankind would not die.

Disease is part of the human cycle of life. Some people die younger because the disease activity starts sooner than others. How much diet, stress, or lifestyle contribute to the end time of someone's life is still only a part of the reality that humans die.

Humans were never meant to live forever. Thier souls we all hope are made to live forever after the physical body dies.

Doctors are not God. They just need someone or something to blame for a persons' condition. Since humans are taught there is a cause and effect in every aspect of life.

No matter what career someone has they always look for a cause and effect of something that may not really have to be blamed on someone or something.

God Bless and Take Care.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


CMDT 2007


PH: There is no role for dipstick urinalysis screening for urinary tract disorders in asymptomatic adults except for pregnant women.

Protein: Dipsticks using bromphenol blue can detect protein in concentrations exceeding 10 mg/dl. It measures albumin and is not sensitive for the light chain of immunoglobulins (Bence Jones proteins). False-positives results are seen in urine containing numerous leukocytes or epithelial cells.

Glucose and Ketones: Only small amounts of glucose are normally excreted in the urine, and these levels are below the sensitivity of the dipstick. Any positive finding requires evaluation for diabetes. The test is specific for glucose and does not cross-react with any other sugars. Ascorbic acid or elevated ketones may result in false-negative results.
Ketones are not normally found in the urine, but fasts, post exercise states, and pregnancy may result in elevated urinary ketones. Diabetics often demonstrate elevated urinary ketones levels prior to an elevation in serum levels. False-positive results occur in dehydration or in the presence of levodopa metabolites, mesna (sodium mercaptoethanesulfonate), and other sulfhydryl containing compounds.

Nitrites: Normally, the urine does not contain nitrites. Many gram-negative bacteria can reduce nitrate to nitrite, which is thus an indicator of bacteriuria. However, the low sensitivity of the test requires clarification. Adequate numbers of bacteria must be present (10^5 organisms/mL), nitrates must be available in the urine, and the bacteria must be in contact with the urine for a sufficient time (usually 4 hours). Therefore, the first morning voided sample is preferable. False-negative results may be due to non-reducing organisms, frequent urination, dilute or acidic urine (pH<>Gram staining may further aid in characterizing the organism).

Page 158 Microscopic Urinalysis

Bacteria and Yeasts: The identification of organisms in an uncontaminated specimen implies infection, which must be confirmed by culture. The presence of several organisms per high power field usually correlates with a culture count of 10^5 organisms per milliliter. Gram staining maybe further aid in characterizing the organism. …For yeast, colony count per milliliter does not necessarily correlate with the severity of infection.

PAGE 36 Urine Culture

Urine Culture: Urine culture should be considered for all women with upper tract symptoms (prior to initiating antibiotic therapy), as well as those with dysuria and a negative urine dipstick test. In symptomatic women, a clean-catch urine culture is considered positive when 10^2-10^3 colony-forming units/mL of a uropathogenic organism is detected.

*Now adays a culture is negative at a cut off of 10^5. They do not ask in the lab the variables of the person who the sample is taken from. Not to mention the nursing staff doesn't think it matters.


Just talks on how to take a specimen from a male. Nothing about the 4 hour rule.


So, they take urine that hasn't been in my bladder for more than 20 minutes to an hour. Then charge me for a urinalysis, microscopic and/or a culture. Whereupon giving false readings due to the lack of diligence upon the part of the staff to see to it that the correct sample is taken. Like a 24 hour sample. Lately, they don’t even do a clean catch.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

How many times?

The medical field keeps telling me to give them a urine sample for a dipstick urinalysis due to pelvic pain. Whether it is for cysitis, bladder, or gynecological. I state an objection to the the test due to the fact that the urine hasn't been in my bladder for more than 30 minutes. The medical staff informs me of how stupid I am. They have a job in the medical field.

I found in the CMDT 2007 that the sample for the test is inadequate. The ER nurse generally scratches their head when I inform them that the urine needs to be in the bladder for more than 4 hours.

They do not ask in the lab the variables of the person who the sample is taken from. Not to mention the nursing staff doesn't think it matters.

So, they take urine that hasn't been in my bladder for more than 30 minutes to an hour. Then charge me for a urinaylsis,microscopic and a culture. Both giving false readings due to the lack of diligence upon the part of the staff to see to it that the correct sample is taken. Like a 24 hour sample.